4.14 .工作签证和永久居留权



1. 目的:

本政策的目的是为非移民提交联邦就业许可申请提供信息和指导. 非移民对十大电子游艺网站排行的教学和研究做出了巨大贡献. 因此, departments and other university offices in which these individuals are employed or where proposed employment is identified must be aware of University procedures for processing these petitions. 下面提供的是提交这些请愿书的批准程序的总体概述. Deans and department heads should ensure that individuals in their colleges or areas who are involved in hiring employees or processing related paperwork are provided with this information.

1.为了遵守《移民改革和控制法》的规定, 十大电子游艺网站排行不得雇用未获授权在美国工作的个人.

1.2 Petitions submitted on behalf of Non-immigrants must fully comply with Federal laws and regulations of the Department of Labor (DOL) and The Department of 首页land Security (DHS).


1.4诚信, 十大电子游艺网站排行 is committed to filing temporary and when appropriate permanent employment authorization petitions on behalf of all full time tenured and tenure-track faculty.

1.申请其他教师职位和工作人员职位的临时和长期就业许可应根据具体情况进行评估. 兼职职位不符合申请就业许可的条件.

1.6 The 人力资源 Office on behalf of 十大电子游艺网站排行 facilitates the preparation and filing of petitions for temporary employment authorization for non-immigrants or recommends cases for processing by board certified immigration attorneys. 办事处不提供法律意见或协助薪资谈判, 雇佣条件或申请费用的支付.

1.7 Board-certified immigration attorney’s working on behalf of 十大电子游艺网站排行 may facilitate the preparation and filing of petitions for permanent employment authorization for non-immigrants. These attorneys are board-certified to practice immigration law and have been authorized by the Texas State Attorney General’s Office to assist in the filing of petitions on behalf of the University as the need arises. 该授权由德克萨斯州立大学系统办公室维护. 利用外部律师是基于类型的, 请愿的需求和复杂性或资源的可用性.

2. 定义:

2.1 .请愿书:填妥的适当的美国申请表. S. 政府表格及所需证明文件, 签名, 以及为雇用非移民而向国土安全部相关机构提交的相关费用. 十大电子游艺网站排行被认为是该大学提交的所有基于就业的授权请愿的请愿者.

2.非移民:因特定目的暂时合法进入美国的人. 非移民也可以在美国就业.S. 只有在获得国土安全部批准的情况下才可以.

2.3 Immigrant or Permanent Resident: A person who has been lawfully admitted to the United States to reside and work unrestricted on a permanent basis; sometimes referred to as lawful permanent resident, 外侨, 或者绿卡持有者.


2.5 Department Chair or Representative: An employee of 十大电子游艺网站排行 who is appointed by his or her department and is responsible for completing forms and compiling the supporting documentation and any other required forms and documentation and forwarding them to the preparer.

2.6 .准备人员:十大电子游艺网站排行的雇员或移民律师,负责向相关政府部门提交申请.

2.7 H-1B:一个非移民类别,用于临时雇用由特定雇主在“专业职业”中提供服务的非移民. A specialty occupation requires the theoretical and practical application of a body of specialized knowledge and a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent in the specific specialty. H-1B工作许可是通过向美国移民局申请获得的.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS),国土安全部下属机构,提交I-129表格.

2.8 Prevailing Wage: The prevailing wage rate is defined as the average wage paid to similarly employed workers in the requested occupation in the area of intended employment as determined by the Texas Workforce Agency.

2.9 Labor Condition Application: The Form ETA 9035E Labor Condition Application (LCA) is required by the Department of Labor for all H-1B petitions and includes attestations regarding hiring practice, 雇佣通知及现行工资要求.

2.10 Legal Permanent Residency: Legal Permanent Residency (LPR) is the process whereby a nonimmigrant becomes an immigrant and receives permanent resident status to live and work in the U.S. 以就业为基础的LPR, I-140表格由雇主代表受益人申请移民签证. I-140申请被批准后, 受益人提交I-485表格申请将其身份从非移民调整为移民.

2.11 Permanent Employment Certification: The Form ETA 9089 Permanent Employment Certification (PERM) is required by the Department of Labor as the first step for most employment-based immigrant visa petitions. 如果认证涉及到学院或大学教授的工作机会, the employer shall submit documentation to show clearly that the employer selected the nonimmigrant for the job opportunity pursuant to a competitive recruitment and selection process, 这个人被认为是最合格的候选人. 具体的广告和招聘步骤是必要的PERM. 选择的要求包括最低学历、经验、专业知识等.工资是该职位所必需的,并且被认为是该职位的“现行工资”.

2.12 .选择日期:用于为未来的教员提交LCA, 选择日期是候选人被德克萨斯州立大学系统董事会批准聘用的日期. PERM证书必须在选择日期后18个月内提交给DOL.


2.14 . H-1B签证不能用于非全日制的博士后职位. 这些职位使用F-1(博士后学生)或J-1(交流访问者)身份. 申请从一种身份转换到另一种身份可能需要几个月的时间, 因此,如果为了聘用兼职博士候选人而必须改变身份,那么提前计划是至关重要的. 联系国际学生服务办公室寻求帮助.

3. 有关处理呈请的一般资料

3.1 .在请求提交请愿书之前, the Department Chair should ensure that he/she understands 十大电子游艺网站排行 employment policies and procedures related to the prospective position that is to be filled. 不认真遵守十大电子游艺网站排行的就业政策可能会危及提交申请的过程.

3.建议雇用非移民的部门应在此过程中尽早与潜在员工讨论工作授权问题. 提供适当的指引,以确保保障求职者的权利, 建议与人力资源部协商.

3.当一个非移民候选人被选中就业时, the Department Chair unit should notify the 人力资源 Office of their intent to hire a non-immigrant and have the finalist complete the Non-Immigrant Questionnaire and submit it to 人力资源.

3.在收到非移民问卷的通知后, 人力资源 will forward information to the immigration attorney where it is determined if the prospective non-immigrant is employable in their current status or, 如果不是, 确定就业所需的适当就业授权请愿书.

3.5 .如果人力资源部推荐外部律师, 然后人力资源办公室将联系律师启动程序. 受益人和律师之间的所有通信副本应发送给人力资源部

3.在收到通知和所需表格后, 系主任填写并将表格交还给准备人员. 一旦请愿书和所需文件完成, 编写者将其转发给人力资源部门进行审核.

3.提交申请并不能保证申请会被批准. 申请提交后,申请的批准和处理完全由国土安全部决定. 招聘部门必须知道工作授权到期的日期.

3.人力资源部将在90分钟内通知受益人所在部门, 受益人的工作授权到期后60天和30天,以便采取步骤申请延长工作授权, 如果有必要的话.

3.9 The Department Chair will notify the 人力资源 office upon the termination of any H-1B employees so that 人力资源 can inform USCIS as required by law.

4. 非移民就业H-1B临时工申请


4.准备人员代表学校使用I-129表格提交与H-1B临时工就业许可相关的申请. 表格ETA-9035E劳动条件申请表及其他证明文件.


4.4 . H-1B申请, the hiring unit: 1) must pay 该职位的现行工资; 2) must certify that funding is available for the period of employment requested and 3) is responsible for the return transportation if the non-immigrant is terminated for any reason.

5. 永久居民申请

5.1 The preparer on behalf of the beneficiary files petitions related to Legal Permanent Residency (LPR) using Form I-140 and the associated Form ETA-9089 Labor Certification Application and other associates forms.


5.3大学, 作为雇主, 不得寻求或接受与获得永久劳工证有关的任何活动的任何形式的付款, 包括根据第五章支付的雇主律师费, 标题20, 联邦法规-第656部分外国人在美国永久就业的劳工认证程序. §656.不正当的商业和支付方式.

5.适当的办公室必须审查与提交请愿书有关的招聘启事. 人力资源部门应审查和批准所有教职员工的职位发布.

5.提交I-140表格后, 受益人可以使用I-485表格申请身份调整,受益人也可以在美国移民局申请非移民签证. S. 大使馆或领事馆. 十大电子游艺网站排行不负责处理身份调整或移民签证申请. 受益人可能希望寻求委员会认证的移民律师对这些申请的帮助.

5.6 . LPR申请, 用人单位必须付费, 或者准备好付钱, 该职位的现行工资.


6. 与提交请愿书有关的费用的支付

6.1十大电子游艺网站排行支付与受益人提交请愿书相关的费用,作为开展业务的成本. 这包括加急处理的成本(见6).7),如果需要加急处理. 十大电子游艺网站排行学院, 雇用未来雇员的部门或办公室负责与提交请愿书有关的费用.



6.4 The University office or department responsible for paying for petition related fees must request the Accounting Office at 十大电子游艺网站排行 to create checks as required for payment of fees related to a petition. 支付提交LCA或请愿书相关费用的办公室或部门必须按照指示将支票转发给人力资源部.



6.由于国土安全部服务中心的处理积压和处理时间的不可预测性, 国土安全部为加速处理H-1B申请提供额外费用. 截至2008年,这项服务的费用增加了1000美元. 虽然国土安全部表示,批准请愿书发生在15天内收到, 由于过程的复杂性和劳工部的要求,申请过程可能需要更长的时间.

7. 申请记录

7.1 .与提交请愿书有关的档案存放在人力资源厅.


8. 适用的联邦法规

8.1《电子艺游网投官方网站》卷. 69, No. 247,2004年12月27日,星期一,规则和条例,第77387页,§656.1和§656.2.

8.2《电子艺游网投官方网站》卷. 72, No. 95,星期四,2007年5月17日,规则和条例,第27945页,§656.12.